Any gamer worth his controller pack has heard the buzz surrounding the ending of Mass Effect 3. Many fans felt that the trilogy's ambiguous ending was a colossal let down after over 100 hours of galaxy surfing.
Public opinion has been all over the place on this one. Mainstream gaming media sources, like IGN and Game Informer, seem to be very quick at to mock and ridicule the fans, meanwhile Forbes seems to be their strongest mainstream supporter. Those against the movement claim that the "protesters" are just being entitled brats, other compare them to terrorists. The main argument is that the fans have no right to impose upon Bioware's "artistic integrity." Touchy subject indeed.
While I think there are a few bad apples among the protesters (like the knucklehead that filed BBB/FTC complaints), I think Bioware should give them what they want, but also take a few artistic liberties at the same time.
Bioware's biggest asset, as a company, is it's die hard fan-base. The fan's that are upset are members of that fan-base: they're the ones who buy the novels, the comic books, and the merchandise. But beyond the revenue directly generated from them, they're also their greatest marketing tool. Word of mouth is one of the most potent forms of advertising, especially in the digital era. Bioware has a legion of fans who are willing to be their advocates for free. These folks are the ones that are your early adopters for new games and series, and will recommend it to their friends and social media followers. Advertisers pay millions of dollars for this type of reach. In addition to the business angle of the fan-base dynamic, there's also the content development assets. Through a variety of fan-fictions and fan-made endings, Bioware has a gold mine in front of them - they know what their audience is looking for. That's thousands of dollars of product development research available to them for free.
Additionally, delivering what their fans so desperately desire is a smooth public relations move. Fans' donations to the Child's Play Charity demonstrates how invested they are. They're willing to commit to a cause and take an upstanding and respectable approach. Why not reward that behavior? Everyone stands to gain from it - the fans get their voices heard, the developer/publishers get additional brand equity, and the needy get helped.
Bioware co-founder, Ray Muzyka, mentioned in his statement on the Bioware Blog, we will be getting an announcement in April of the developer's plans to address the ending of their finale. One should notice that he was very careful in his word choice - he only promised "closure." Nowhere in there does he say whether or not that closure will be in the form of new or extended endings. Here's to hoping we get the news at PAX East coming up this week.
I hope the phrase "If you're mad, why don't you send me some cupcakes?" becomes a part of the trolling lexicon.
ReplyDeleteBut in all seriousness, I'm with Bioware on this one. Even if their ending wasn't up to par, just think about the hours and hours of adventures players have had with Shepard and crew. Isn't the journey worth just as much -- maybe more -- than the destination?
I would agree with you, except the twist just seems to come out of left field and trivializes the many things that you've done over the course of said journey. Helping X instead of Y doesn't seem to matter all that much in the end.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, you are right that it is an outstanding journey. All three games were phenomenal and I wouldn't say that ME3 ruined the franchise - it has roughly 99 hours and 50 minutes of great content. The big push of the fans is because they want the last 10 minutes of the game to live up to the rest of the franchise.
Also... the sheer number of memes and songs that people have made about the series should earn it a spot in history ;-)
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Personally, I'm a fan of ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL.